Friday, August 27, 2010

fix me

fix me. adapted from fix you.
hmm ga bisa dipungkiri kalo fix you punya arti sendiri buat gw. karena lirik nya yang dalem, trus juga lagunya enak banget didenger. apalagi kalo lagi sendirian dan dalam keadaan yang -let say- hampir sama kayak di lagu itu. pasti berasa banget deh. dapet banget feel nya.
udah lumayan lama ga denger fix you. kemaren-kemaren sempet menjadi salah satu lagu wajib buat gw. yang selalu gw dengerin sebagai lagu pengantar tidur. hoho
dari dulu juga sering kayak ngebayangin ada prang yang nyanyiin lagu itu buat gw.. yang itu artinya dia bisa "fix me". tapi... yeaaa cuma angan. haha
dan sekarang, di saat gw inget lagu ini dan semua kenangan tentang ini, di saat gw mengharapkan ada orang yang nyanyiin lagu ini, tapi karena pada kenyataannya ga ada yaudah lah yaa.. nyanyi sendiri aja. haha
dan lagu ini berubah title menjadi... fix me [garing]

fix me

when I try my best but I don't succeed
when I get what I want but not what I need
when I feel so tired but I can't sleep
stuck in reverse

and the tears come streaming down my face
when I lose something I can't replace
when I love someone but it goes to waste
could it be worse?

lights will guide me home
and ignite my bones
and I will try to fix me

and high up above or down below
when I'm too in love to let it go
but if I never try I'll never know
just what I'm worth

lights will guide me home
and ignite my bones
and I will try to fix me

tears stream down my face
when I lose something I cannot replace
tears stream down my face
and I

tears stream down my face
I promise me I will learn from my mistakes
tears stream down my face
and I

lights will guide me home
and ignite my bones
and I will try to fix me

begitulah. di saat hati rasanya ingin berdialong dengan dirinya sendiri. mungkin lagu ini jadi aneh, walaupun gw cuma mengubah kata "you" menjadi "me" dan sebagainya.. walaupun aneh tapi bagi gw cukup mencerminkan diri gw yang berbicara sendiri, menghibur diri sendiri, and... fix me by myself.


Van Der Woodsen said...

Try a new song :

So when the time is hard
There’s no way to turn
As HE promise HE will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE’s always watching us, guiding us
And HE knows what’s in all in our heart

So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
As HE promise HE will always be there…

HE bring ourselves from the darkness into the light
Subhanallah praise belongs to YOU for everything
Shouldn’t never feel afraid of anything
As long as we follow HIS guidance all the way
Through the short time we have in this life
Soon it all’ll be over
And we’ll be in His heaven and we’ll all be fine

gayatri-ardila said...

always be there - Maher Zein

satu kata: bagus!

thanks ya je ;))

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