damn aku masih kepikiran!
Okay..congrats udah berhasil bikin aku jadi 'terguncang' kaya gini.
Emang sih mungkin ini sepenuhnya juga salah aku, tapi oh gosh!
Aku juga sebenernya gak mau ya, ada di kondisi kaya sekarang ini. It's really iritating, you know..
Well, mungkin tanpa adanya hal itu juga masalah ini udah ada. Bahkan bisa dibilang lebih dulu exists.
Dan kemunculan masalah ini lagi bener2 bikin aku gila.
I appreciate everything you've done to me..
But i still dont get it, how come smuanya malah seakan nge-judge aku?
Ok i admit that i'm not kinda good girl, im not that perfect, i was so cruel, so bad, etc etc,
but dont you realize that it was happen because of you?
Ya aku tau sih skarang udah gak ada artinya ungkit2 masalah yang mungkin kamu bilang udah basi. But it's really unfair, especially for me.
Segampang itu kamu dateng, dan segampang itu juga kamu bilang 'ok, we have many options, im flexible and so it's up to you'
hellooo how come kamu limpahin semuanya ke aku?
Is it fair??
Sory bukannya mau marah2. Ga ada gunanya juga kan.
Aku cuma pengen speak what i feel up.
I just dont want to pretend along my life.
Try to be honest to myself.
Yea i know it will be hurt, very hurt..but
everything will be alright as time goes by..and it will seem so yesterday..
So, what next?
Mencoba menjalani smuanya secara normal. Back to normal. Thats what you want, rite?
Ok, if you want me to, i will..
And ya aku bner2 kepikiran sama pendapat kmu ttg how i treat my boyfriend which is soo bad..
Hmm alright i'll prove that im not that bad, you know.
Everything will be back at the normal track. I promise.
lega rasanya..sometimes talk to yourself makes everything easier.
Walaupun itu cuma asumsi dan sugesti ya kadang2.
Well, i think it's enough. Waktunya kembali ke uas dan lain2.
So, nothing more but good friend :)
thanks and sorry for all
keep shining ^^
Leaders Can Move Fast and Fix Things
2 days ago
Whats wrong khan?
Everything will be alright..
good then,
wake up , get up and gain a power to prove that the judgement is wrong.
Yeah..thanks a lot..
Who are you anyway, mr.anonymous?
*hmm i think i have some assumptions. Haha
i am ... the angel who is sent by God to save human race
*it seems weird to call you angel
but ok..thank you very much..
Fix me, please..
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