Well this is my current condition. Two days ago I attended job interview in a company. A great company, like very great, to work for. They flied me to Sby and covered all of my accomodations expenses. It feels so heartwarming that they invited me and offered me this amazing opportunities to be one of the candidates to be their new family members. Of course I tried to give all my bests, invested my time, thought, energy, and everything this past two weeks to prepare for this presentation and interview sessions.
I tried to give my best, eventho at the end I felt like not really maximum. I dont know, I was just incredibly nerveous at the time that I couldnt elaborate what I wanted to say as planned. Believe me, even when you already rehearse so many times, when it comes to the real interview session, boom! It feels like all you have rehearsed is gone. More like impromptu all the time.
But still, I can only hope and pray for the best result, because once again, I did it not only for me, but also for my family.
Last night I called my father to tell him all about it. Surprisingly he really encourge me and also hopes that I can get that position. My grandma also called this morning and sent her highest hope to me. She even already has plans if I get the position.
In this moment, I begin to more realize that everybody has high hope on me. I'm not saying that they depend on me, but it's just.. You know, sometimes you just feel that their future, their lives, are greatly correlate with yours. That everything that I do, or I have, will affect them. That I have this very big role in shaping their future lives, even if indirectly.
Then I flashback to how I did yesterday. Did I do great? Did I nail the interview? Will I be one of the new members of that company? Being one of the 30s candidates that successfully get the position? Will I change my family lives? Will I make their lives better? Can I fulfill all their hopes? Their needs?
There are so many thought in my head after that interview. Often I said to myself that I could do better. But then, that moment's gone. The only thing I can do is pray, pray, and pray. And ask my whole family to pray for me. What else can I do?
From the very first time, i said to myself that everything I do, every attempt, every chance that I take, I do it for my family. For a greater good. For bigger impacts.
And when I look at the other candidates, I know that they also have so many different motives, hopes, expectations. I only wish that all of the candidates will get the job there. Because all of us deserves it. Aamiin.
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