This is my last day here work as an intern. Having such a great chance to work here is one of the big things in my life. Actually I have a 3-months internship contract in this company, PT Unilever Indonesia, started at the end of June 2012. So it was supposed to end at Sept 30, at the latest. But apparently I have to move to CIMB Niaga to join the FDP, even though I still don't know when this program exactly starts.
Well, I will talk about that program later heheh
I work on this company to assist my Benefit Manager, in HR Department. I have a project to re-arrange the HRD's SOPs, then re-integrate it with the company and global strategies and values. When they first told me about this project, I just saw this job as a 'less-valued' job. But apparently I was wrong, because this project relates to various functions in HR. Even I barely realized that this is a quite big project. Re-make the overall SOP, that consists of 30-ish, just in one function. And I have work on three functions at one time. What an interesting project!
So I took my first two-weeks to learn the process and previous SOPs. My manager asked me to propose some new style or format to write the SOP. She wanted me to make them in the form of word document and flowchart. Luckily, I have learnt about flowchart before in my study, so I didn't have any serious problem in doing my job.
She gave me some examples of SOPs and flowcharts that they use (and still being used up to now). Their appearance were.. well, not as good as I imagine. Then I started to make them over.
It was a very very long process for I just looked at my PC and work on them all day. Even when my other intern-mates still 'jobless', I already had a very time-consuming work to do. I didn't even have enough time to hang out with them.
In short, my work in re-make those SOPs were done. Then I continued to the next phase, verification phase. In this verification phase, I had to interview the employees (job holders) and asked them about the actual process that they do. I made them tell everything about their own job, and also asked them whether they have any problem in doing the process or not. The most difficult part lied there. I often got problem with their schedules. I even had to 'terror' them to answer to my interview invitation. It stressed me out because they were so busy, and I couldn't do anything about it.
After a very dramatic struggle, finally I arrived at the final phase, finalization. I have to review and revise my own SOPs based on the employees' comments and feedback. There were many changes in the process that haven't included yet in the previous SOP. So I had to add them, and make sure that the ones I make is right.
One day me and my manager reported to my manager's boss. We wanted to ask for feedback about all things that I do before. My manager's boss then looked at my work, reviewed it, and she looked surprise with it. She said that it was a great job to do, and I did it well. You know, that was like an oase for me in the middle of this tiring project hehe. Job satisfaction. Yeah, I got it! :)
Actually this internship program requires me to make a report and do the presentation in front of my line manager and her supervisors. But, because I have to move to CIMB soon, I don't have much time to do the presentation. So I told my manager and her boss about my condition, and luckily they supported me and let me to finish this intern without having a presentation.
Well, my overall experiences here are the precious one that I will always remember. It was so hard to be hired as an intern here, because fyi (I got the information from one of employee), there were about 700 applicants who applied to this Unilever internship program (ULIP), but the company only hired 30 persons for all department/function. So can you imagine that it's 30:700 to win the position as an intern here. It's not an easy one, even for the internship.
And because this is my last day, my project is done, I don't have anything to do but having a quality time with my laptop and internet connection hehe. I just wanna say that I am very grateful to be here, to know so many inspiring and great people, leaders, and nice people. I think this company is one of the best company to work for. No wonder that it has a positive image and become the most wanted company for almost fresh graduates in Indonesia. I have no doubt about that.
My manager once asked me whether I'm interested to work here or not. I said, yes, of course. But I can't make it because I have a company that waits for me to work there. And I have to fulfill my promise, right?
Nice days with this company. This department. This work environment. This culture. This people.
But not with the traffic. It sucks. As always.
Leaders Can Move Fast and Fix Things
2 days ago
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