April 12th. Happy birthday to me!!
Well, i'm officially 23 now. There are so many wishes I make, so many things I want to accomplish.
In this age, I promise to be wiser and wiser in living my life. In accepting anything happen in my journey.
I just want to be a better person, and have a better life -materially and spiritually- so I can give a better life to my family.
But the point is, I gotta be stronger and stronger, so I can always strengthen my family.
Funny facts. Among my friends' wishes lists, some are the things that they wish most for me.
That things are: successful of my career, I become fatter (oh really, they still want me to escape from this 'tiny and skinny' body LOL), and to have my prince, as soon as possible.
Well, I just can say "Amin YRA" while wishing the same way o:)
Anyway, these days actually I'm not on my best condition, mentally. There are so many things that I think, so many things to do, to plan. And it made me feel so blue. But at the end, I got a very kind and sweet surprise from my fellow in SFDP, and really, for me, it meant much. I really love them all.
In this 23rd age, I just want to live my life happily, but yeah, with full of dreams and effort to reach them.
And I choose to always be happy, no matter what.
"I'm thankful for this moment 'cause I know that I grow a day older and see how this sentimental fool can be..."
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