Dear future me,
if you feel like you're nothing, when you think that you're life is worthless, just read this.
just remember this. this are the things that you really want to accomplish in your life. this are your life time dreams. this are the things that will keep support you, guide you, and keep you alive.
You, perhaps are just an ordinary girl. just the same as every girl else. but you're gonna be a GREAT woman, a WONDERFUL lady, and that's what you will be.
Remember this things, future me.
1. You will be a great banker. a valuable employee and a promising talent for your company. you'll have a bright future, a good career path, and you'll see yourself in a top position, like what you always see yourself in your dreams. so you gotta work so hard to achieve that, to make this dream comes true. you still can be whoever you want to be. just keep your faith. never stop learning, never stop trying, never stop praying. you're capable of achieving anything you set your mind on.
2. Someday you will be at HBS, studying more and more about business, banking, management, leadership. I know you CAN DO THIS, baby. just plan about it and do anything you can to chase this opportunity. you will get the scholarship, so you can continue your study, and broadening your knowledge and horizon in the future. just remember that the building, the trees, the green fields, the classes, the library, the river, the dorm, the dean's houses, the great bell, the snow, are awaiting. just give your best shot to reach there.
3. Someday you will meet this guy. the person that will complete you. and you'll complete him. your soul sister, your other-half, your perfect match, that will fit you perfectly. someday, and don't be worry, because he's also waiting you somewhere and hoping to see you very very soon. and you will have a happy and great family with him, and your future children.
4. You will always be able to support your family, materially and mentally. just remember that you have that great responsibility to take care of your family and the other people around you, so STAY STRONG! you have to be strong so you can strengthen them. you are the strongest woman in this not-so-big family!
5. One day, you will open and re-read this post, and you will show your largest smile, your winning smile. you will see that everything written here become true. you will see that you're living a great life with a great spirit so you can achieve all of this. you can show this post to your lovely husband, your lovely children, your lovely family, and to the rest of the world as well. YOU WILL.
So now, you don't have any reason to live your wonderful life in a sorrow. you don't need to questioning anything happen in your life, because you know and BELIEVE that ALLAH SWT is always beside you, and your spirit even stronger so you always have an extra energy to keep struggling to reach your every single goal. JUST. KEEP. YOUR. FAITH.
You, are AWESOME. be proud of yourself, and grateful for everything that you already have.
February 24th, 2013. 10.25 am.
Leaders Can Move Fast and Fix Things
1 day ago